
  • Stops you Touching your Face which is the most common form of Viral Transmission
  • Hygienically Safe With Comfortable Ear Loops
  • Fluid Resistant Inner Layer to Prevent the spread of Infection to OthersShare the Dignity

A portion of all sales go to Share the Dignity Charity for our women in need.


These face masks will not guarantee prevention from contracting COVID-19. Masks are designed to stop you from coughing and sneezing onto others spreading the virus and to help remind you not to touch your face or nose.

Masks are not surgical grade, if you feel like that is what you need please contact a medical practitioner. Purchase at your discretion.

Please wash your fabric face mask before first use and you are advised to wear a clean washed fabric mask every time.

Please take caution when the courier delivers the parcel. Sanitise everything, wash your hands after unpacking.

We have done our best to keep the masks germ free, but this can’t be guaranteed.
It is encouraged to buy more than 1 in order to rotate and have time to wash them properly between uses.

Will take orders.

Fabric may vary from what is shown.